Numbers in the News


Squid (See "250" below)

420 million

Estimated age in years of a meteorite sample found in a quarry in Sweden. The space rock has a composition unlike any other sample known and may have formed during a collision between asteroids.  


Age in years of a  22-pound chunk of butter found in a bog in Ireland. Archaeologists say the find might still be edible—but they don’t recommend trying it.  


Number of measurements taken during a recent analysis of the sizes of giant squid. The largest specimen recorded was 42 feet long, but the researchers suggest that the animals might reach 65 ft in length.


Length in kilometers of the Gotthard Base train tunnel, the longest in the world. Regular service through the tunnel, located in the Swiss Alps, is scheduled to begin this December.  


Number of brain cells used by snails to make decisions about searching for and eating food. One cell indicates hunger. Another indicates whether food is present.   
