The Sweet Sound of 3-D Printed Violins


MAKING MUSIC: Violins are a common instrument in school orchestras.
(inset) AFFORDABLE FIDDLE: Mary-Elizabeth Brown plays a 3-D printed violin.

Traditional wooden violins are expensive. They can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. That high price tag prevents many people from learning to play the instruments. Concert violinist Mary-Elizabeth Brown wants to get more violins into the hands of young people by 3-D printing them at a much lower cost.

Brown is the director of the AVIVA Young Artists Program in Montreal, Canada. She’s working on a violin design made from plastic that anyone can create using a personal 3-D printer—a device that builds up layers of material to make solid objects. The instruments cost only $7 to make. “That means more people can try them and make music,” says Brown.

Skills Sheets (2)
Skills Sheets (2)
Lesson Plan (1)