On Valentine’s Day, people give cards, flowers, or chocolates to friends and loved ones to show how much they care. But what if instead of the usual gifts, you received a dead insect? You’d probably think that’s gross! How about a plain gray pebble? What a boring present! But to other members of the animal kingdom, bugs and rocks make great gifts.
Like people, many animals give presents to one another, such as food or materials for building homes. “Gift giving happens in all different types of species,” says Adam South, an evolutionary biologist at Tufts University in Massachusetts. “It occurs in flies all the way to primates.”
However, South adds, we shouldn’t assume that animals view gift giving the same way humans do. People offer gifts to express love or appreciation, build friendships, and celebrate important occasions. Most of the time, animals give gifts to woo a mate. But sometimes the reasons for gift giving aren’t as clear. Scientists are still studying certain animals to find out why they give each other presents. Read on to discover five gift-giving behaviors spotted in nature.