HICCUP! You suck in a sharp gulp of air. A few moments later, it happens again. HICCUP! Oh no . . . you have the hiccups!
“Hiccups are sudden, involuntary spasms of the diaphragm, the muscle that sits under our lungs and helps us breathe,” explains Dr. Ali Seifi, a physician who treats patients with injuries to the brain and spinal cord at the University of Texas Health in San Antonio. “These spasms cause a quick intake of breath that is suddenly stopped by the closure of the vocal cords.” These bands of muscle in your throat vibrate to produce your voice. When your vocal cords snap shut, it creates a “hiccup” sound.
There are multiple reasons why someone might develop hiccups. “One is that something irritates the diaphragm, like eating spicy food, drinking soda, eating too quickly, or drinking very cold liquids,” says Seifi. Some medical conditions that affect the brain—like stroke or cancer—can also trigger hiccups.
You’re probably familiar with a couple of methods to cure hiccups, like drinking a tall glass of water, getting scared, or holding your breath. “Common remedies for stopping hiccups aren’t just random tricks,” says Seifi. These cures work by activating the nerves that control the diaphragm and other breathing muscles. This distracts the brain, causing the muscles to relax. Most of the time, hiccups go away anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours after they start—but not always. One man’s hiccups lasted 68 years! Can you imagine having hiccups for the rest of your life?